Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

A Glitch in the Transmission


I went to connect my laptop on Saturday night, and found I had “ No Internet connection”, so after phoning Vodafone,  then Harvey Norman, the Netgear modem-router went  in to be tested. Monday a.m. Nicole from the said Harvey Norman phoned, a new D-Link modem router was there for me. I give full marks to both H.N. and to their staff, all are so courteous, willing to help, find the right person to talk to, and prompt service. A very honourable mention to them all. Tuesday a.m. started to install  the new one,  the  8 digit PIN number was missing, another phone call   and I was given the direct line to D-Link, Again a very knowledgeable helpful gentleman talked me through the whole installation, and I am up and running again, maybe not literally.

Logged on, found 50 emails, blogs with multiple posts to read, so am still in the catch-up mode.My comments may be scarce to non-existent, but I am reading all your wonderful daily photos and news.

Mt Ruapehu, in the Central Plateau, North Island, with a little snow, tempting us as we wait for more to fall very soon. Already falls in the South island, some up nearer us here, and very cold overnight and early morning temperatures. Merino goodies all ready  for everyone in our family.


Mt Ruapehu from the East #1

Quotation of the day, from a very dear friend.

“ When you are at the end of your tether, tie a knot in it and hang on”

Greetings from Jean

Thursday, 22 May 2014

My Own Photos at Last


The last 2 weeks have been a bit fraught with Hugh’s returned pain, need of crutches every morning, and all the associated things that go with that. This morning I decided it was high time I was out in the garden for some of our  own nature’s beauty.  The Scarlet Oak leaves are true to the name, stunning on the tree, and brown on the lawn. Wow, if only I was that tall in real life!!!

A Rhododendron has 2 blooms, both stunning against the greenery,

A small Azalea hedge shows some pink blooms, and in the area where we have firewood trees, the Lawsoniana  cones, small, and numerous, are almost a luminous grey/blue shade.

When I walked to the front and looked back to  our home, the grass was almost frosty, Bruce and Kath’s motor home bus parked handy to the front door.

The Scarlet Oak tree.

Red leaves waiting to fall

The Rhododendron,  there are two blooms like this.

Scarlet Rhododendron

We have a small Azalea hedge,  the early morning sunshine was bright, just in this spot.

Pink Azalea flowers in Autumn

Maybe in another 10 or 20 years, this  Lawsoniana tree will be big enough for firewood.Meantime, I so like the way the small cones fall, almost a pale turquoise, nature’s beauty right here.

Lawsoniana tree cones

My shadow, at 10.16 a.m. wish I was so tall. And just on case you have any doubts, here I am at Piropiro Flats, with Finn, one of the  three young  men here on holiday from Germany

Jean's shadow and leaves on the ground

Finn & Jean,Piropiro 2013

Finally, the motor home bus, some smoke from the chimney, and white lawns.Bruce, the intrepid quad bike rider, if there is trouble anywhere, he will find it, and then Hugh to the rescue,They have had some great times together.Can you see his trailer under the elm tree, ( The quad bike is safely tucked away in another part of the garden) it is always part of his and Kath’s travels.

Almost a frost on the grass

Quotation of the day

“ Look no further than your own back yard, to find                  beauty there every day”

Greetings from Jean

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo, South Island, New Zealand


Today, as I  can hear maybe the first lamb ( and this is well out of lambing season) bleating in a paddock nearby, I remember our visit to Lake Tekapo, no digital camera in 1986, so the  many photos  are in the album. Nearby, on the shoreline, is a bronze memorial statue, of a working collie dog,  the best friend  of many farmers in the Mackenzie Basin area, and throughout the South Island.

Data below courtesy of the internet, photos also from internet source.


Church of the Good Shepherd, Lake Tekapo

Bronze memorial to working collie dogs, commissioned in 1968 by local farmers, on the shore of Lake Tekapo

The Mackenzie Basin (popularly and traditionally known as the Mackenzie Country) is an elliptical intermontane basin located in the Mackenzie and Waitaki Districts, near the centre of the South Island of New Zealand. It is the largest such basin in New Zealand.[1] Historically famous mainly for sheep farming, the sparsely populated area is now also a popular tourism destination.

Situated on the shores of Lake Tekapo is the Church of the Good Shepherd, which, in 1935, was the first church built in the Mackenzie Basin. The church at Burkes Pass, St Patrick's built in 1872 was the first church built by pioneers as a joint community effort, by Anglicans Presbyterian and Catholic settlers. Also a joint venture between Presbyterians and Anglicans, St Columba in Fairlie was built in 1879. The church at Lake Tekapo was designed by Christchurch architect R.S.D. Harman, based on sketches by a local artist, Esther Hope. The church is arguably one of the most photographed in New Zealand, and features an altar window that frames stunning views of the lake and mountains.

This is one of the most spectacular places in the South Island, winter and summer alike, autumn leaves form a bronze carpet, and  a paradise for any photographer.

Quotation of the day, from Adam L Gordon,

“Life is mostly froth and bubble,                               Two things stand like stone --                                                                                     Kindness in another's trouble, Courage in your own”

Greetings from Jean

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Sky in the East and the West


Today Hugh and I went to a Garden Festival in Feilding, about 20 minutes from home. Lots and lots of  stalls, some in tents, others in huge marquees, plants, soaps, candles, brass items, bamboo pillows, stoneware pots and pans, nick-nacks, necklaces and bags, planters in stone concrete and pottery, cane baskets,  and much more.

We came home with 7 stunning flax plants, I’m  still deciding where they will go in the garden. The late afternoon sky had some clouds, in the West,  and a sliver of a the moon in the East.  Do you know, the same Moon shines in the North for all my friends up there, as it does down here.  Just a small piece of unnecessary information for everyone   !!!

Some PP on this, although the pine trees were  already shining red and bright green in the late sunshine.


Eastern sky with the Moon just above the pine trees

Three flax plants here, still in their planter bags, waiting  to go  in the garden, 4 more in another pottery bowl.

 Flax plants

Clouds in the West

Quotation of the day, from Albert Camus

"Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower."

Greetings from Jean

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Heirloom Tomato


I belong to the forum, Ugly Hedgehog, where photographers meet, mingle, share ideas, ask for help, advice, buy or sell, and post links for amazing  tutorials, and more.

Last week, Heirloom Tomato passed away, Linda from Maine passed on the message from HT’s daughter, Vesper  White.  The tributes are many and full of thanks for her life,  her laughter, sense of humour, her absolute pleasure  in all she did, in the forum and I’m sure in her  life at  home too, immensely generous in  her help, always ready , if asked,to download a photo and re-post with superb framing, some adjustments , and more. Humble when thanked, and we are all so blessed to have known Hope  White through those pages.

HT ( as so many called you), this is one for you, Rest, be assured you will always be with us in spirit, and memories,  loving thoughts to Vesper and your family


Japanese iris  framed for HT, and for Vesper

tribute to HT, UHH member

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ When a dear friend embarks on their final journey,       grieve, but rejoice for their life and  your friendship, continue doing as you did before, with memories in your heart.

Greetings from Jean.