Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Tuesday 23 October 2018

In the Middle of Chaos, Boxes, and More, we have news!!

Yes, we have found a new home, and will move in early December. Thanks to you all who have asked about any news,  we are all so happy. We will have about 5 weeks,  from moving out to moving in, staying with a friend, and some time to rest and   maybe get out and about for some photos. I will have a huge room for my quilting and sewing, Hugh will have a big garage for his machinery, Joyce will have a room that gets the early morning sunshine, and in time there will be new plants in the garden and some vegetable beds planted. Photos will follow once we have moved in. The young family there have a transfer with the NZ Defence Force, and I am sure will leave many happy memories, and I hope they find new friends down south.

Meantime here are some   photos from my archives

Lupins blowing in the wind

Lupins blowin' in the wind

Daffodils along the fence-line

Daffodils on the fence-line

Night sky in November

#3 Night sky in November

Fairy Toadstools, and Boris as inquisitive as ever.



Quotation of the day, author unknown,

“ Home is where Love resides,

memories are created,

Friends are always welcome

and Family is Forever”

Greetings from Jean.

Sunday 14 October 2018

I know it is there somewhere!!!

the workshop with packed boxes

Somewhere in this stack of boxes is the plastic bin with the batiks for the next bear from Dione over at The Clever Chameleon . I know it was left out, but Hugh, in his  keenness to get things tidy and neat, has picked it up along with the others. Can you see it? Next to bananas and apples!!!

Batik box in storage

Too late, and now Open Live Writer has changed the format from the one  I am used to, so goodness knows what this will turn out to be. We are almost all packed up, a huge marathon, and a lot of disposing, sorting and giving away.

We almost have a new home, should know on Wednesday. We have looked at so many homes,in so many other towns,  and they have ranged from tiny ones to mansions and all in between.  Some spotless, some grubby, some so untidy, but if we  move to this one… I will have a HUGE room for all my sewing and quilting, room for Joyce’s Horn cabinet, no need to stow it away till next sewing session,  and a workshop for Hugh.

In between other things, I managed to get the flimsy sewn together,  for the Fireburst Mystery up north with Tish, at Tish's  Adventures in Wonderland This by itself was a small miracle ,and next thing the Bernina will be packed too.

Fireburst Mystery FlimsyThank you all so much for your caring thoughts, prayers, and thinking of us.

Furry Gnome, I am so glad your card arrived, via Hugh’s cousin who was on holiday in Ontario, maybe posted from Tottenham, as was a small gift for Brady, Sandra’s grandson, you will find them at Musings of a Menopausal Melon , that way was so much faster than posting from NZ, which can take more than 6 weeks.

That’s it for me for today, on to more packing and bubble wrap.

Quotation of the day,  author unknown. Thanks to the internet for this.

Homeis where the heart is

Greetings from Jean