Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday 22 November 2012

Colours in the Evening


Tonight there was that fleeting glimpse of stunning colour in the sky to the West. It does not last long, and then all that is left is the darker night.

One day I want to be somewhere on the main Highway, high up where there are no trees, just the vast landscape below.But for now, these are what we see on calm, fine  nights from our place.

This is what I see from the front lawn. Tall view with the sun very low, just a glow of yellow at the bottom.

  Talll view

The wide view, from almost the same spot.

Sunset colours

I walked round to the garden, and the light had changed so much, Gone were the crimson,red, and almost orange colours, and it was  grey/blue with the yellow almost a paler  lemon colour now .This is taken looking over the fence at our back boundary, the pine tree is our neighbour’s.


Through the fence 

View from the garden

To all my friends who celebrate Thanksgiving on 22nd November,  have a wonderful day, enjoy the celebration, and the food,  give thanks for families,life and friends . And from our place. I give many thanks to you all for your friendship, your blogs that have made my life so much richer, your comments and emails.  My Celebration is also with thanks.

Quotation of the day from Ben Johnson, 1573-1637

“ Suns,that set,may rise again; But if once we lose this light,

‘Tis with us perpetual night”

Greetings from Jean

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Song from The Baby


The start of this is shaky, as I tried to get more comfortable, if that was possible, at ground level,  on the edge of the lawn and the concrete edging. He was not fazed at all, and sang away as he tried to get his Mum or Dad to listen. Shortly afterwards, he flew, or fluttered his wings and managed to find his way to a patch of blackberry bush on the other side of the stream.I guess he found Mum, as the chirping stopped. I was so glad, as I am not quite ready to foster a baby bird right now!!!

The cabbage tree flowers and berries are a great source of food for many birds, and the creamy tufts shake and wobble as the birds settle in, find their tucker, and fly away.


Cabbage Tree flowers 


sunlight 013

I have always thought this is the flower of a Clematis Climber, but after searching for it in a  huge New Zealand Gardening Book, am not sure. Any identification will be very thankfully appreciated.

I have just heard that Mt Tongariro erupted briefly this afternoon, no known casualties  according to the news, a 2 km plume of ash and cloud, photos and videos on the news and internet. We are a good distance away, 2  groups of school pupils are all safely off the Mountain, no doubt full of a story about “ We were  close- by  when  it happened!!!”

Quotation of the day, unknown author

“Nobody trips over mountains.

It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble.

Pass all the pebbles in your path,

and you will find you have crossed the mountain”

Greetings from Jean

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Ruffled Red, Unruffled Baby ,and Afternoon Sunlight

The Red,Red Poppy
We have had red poppies in our garden for several years, this year they are very ruffled, and so weighty, the stems droop very low.
red ruffles
Baby birds have been chirping for some days, but are usually hidden.Today there was one lonely blackbird baby on the back lawn.He/she was very vocal, I will edit the video tomorrow.
I am waiting for my Mum 
  I lay down on the grass and managed to get very,very,VERY close. The chick was not fazed at all… then with no time to go back to movie mode,
“ Along came The Cat”, Felicity walked up, got very close, like really personal, and finally after the wee chick seemed to peck her nose, she leapt away. the right place at the right time.
   Maybe a gentle pat would help How close can you goI think my nose was too close
The Felicity was off, just one glance to see if this had been real!!!
That's it for today
The late afternoon sun highlighted the Chestnut tree and  touched the taller trees,  ours are in shadow  on the left, the right hand side ones are across the streamLate afternoon sunlight
Quotation of the day, from Robert Louis Stevenson,
“ I will make you brooches and toys for your delight
Of bird-song at morning and star-shine at night”
Greetings from Jean

Friday 16 November 2012

Food for the Birds


Along the boundary of our back lawn are  the trees, Cordyline Australis, or the common name “ Cabbage Tree” ; they can grow to 20 metres tall, and flower in spring, After this there are thousands of small berries, turning from green to cream

Tui,bellbirds, starlings, sparrows, blackbirds and others flock to the trees to eat the fruit.

There is a saying “ If the Cabbage Tree flowers early, it will be a long hot summer”,the flowers are in full bloom right now. I will wait and see if our summer is indeed hot.

Cabbage Tree flowers

In a shaded part of the garden foxgloves thrive. The colours range from pale cream, delicate apricot, and deep purple. The bees like diving into the flower, and the flower is designed  so that when the  bee  goes in to get the nectar,  it will get pollen on its wings. Then when it visits the next plant, that pollen rubs off and another flower is pollinated.Nature is clever, innovative, and an artist in design.

Bumblebee perching on the Foxglove

This photo was one of many, as the Bumblebee visited almost every flower on this stem.

“ The rain has come, the grass has grown, Hugh is out getting it mown”.

And as for me, weeding, replanting the pots that had spring bulbs, planning  the summer flowers, and checking growth in the glasshouse, New bean seeds are germinating, the Yellow Submarine tomato plants are thriving, I might need to take them out when the flowers come,  to make sure the flowers are pollinated. More bees needed!!

Quotation of the day, from Robert Browning

Pippa Passes

The year’s at the spring and days at the morn;

Morning’s at seven;The hill-side’s dew-pearled;

The lark’s on the wing;The snail’s on the thorn:

God’s in his heaven- All’s right with the world !

Greetings from Jean

Sunday 11 November 2012

Raindrops on Fennel


This morning was fine, then after lunch the rain fell, good for the lawn,  the garden, and the birds, as the worms are easier to pull . And for me as well, the outdoor work can wait for another fine day.

Susan, here is the bird feeder on a spade handle. Too wet to stand out and get a photo of the blackbird, the first to try out the new

“ Dinner Table Setting”

 Bird feeder on the spade handle

In a shaded patch, the fennel thrives, and has a lovely scent/smell/aroma when you crush the fine leaves. It is a great accompaniment with a fish dish.

Fennel after rain

I have been busy planting out more “Yellow Submarine” tomato plants, and Hugh’s vegetables are thriving.

Tomato plants 

Chives,radish,strawberries and silverbeet

Solomon’s Seal, or Polygonatum fascinates me, The shoots appear a bit like asparagus spears, then the tall stem, then it droops over and these beautiful white flowers hang under the leaves. Nature at its finest.Solomon's Seal flowers

The rain is a good time for all cats to be indoors, and no better place than on a fleece blanket. Here is “ Poppy on Purple

Poppy on Purple

Quotation of the day,  from Cecil Frances Alexander,1818-1895

“ All things bright and beautiful, All creatures great and small.

All things wise and wonderful, The Lord God made them all”

Greetings from Jean

Saturday 10 November 2012

Our Thrush Bird


For some days, this Thrush has been on the lawn, the seat, and in the trees, and waits for breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea. She( I think it might be a lady, she is very patient and polite!!) waits for the bread to be thrown out, takes one piece and hops away, to eat in private.  She has one wing that droops, and she spends a lot of time preening it, pecking under it, but she can fly well.

I look and wonder what happened to her, and have to reassure myself that  she is a survivor.

I am just sitting

What happened to your wing 

Cleaning time

Cleaning time

This is my good wing

This is my good wing

I am ready to fly away

Ready to fly

Quotation of the day  from Victor Hugo

“ Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her,

still she sings away  all the same, knowing she has wings”

Greetings from Jean

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Words for today


One Photo for Today

My thanks to you all who read my words, then write words for me and for Hugh.

Do you have any idea how much they lift me up/cheer me up? Each is so special, and I feel a whole lot better in spirit,mind and body, ready for anything life may hurl my way.

I have new readers/blog members, and I so appreciate you all. Each of us has some hard times in life, and through our blogs, we support, send messages of love, hope, good wishes and more. And then we share in happiness, joy, celebrations, anniversaries, and daily events, some which may seem very ordinary, but to each of us are so  special.

This is called, ‘ REFLECTIONS’ and is of the Otaki River iver.

We all reflect on our lives, past ,present, and future.

May all your thought today be happy ones .


Quotation of the day,  from Thomas  Paine

“ The real man smiles in trouble, gathers strength from distress,

and grows brave by reflection”

Greetings from Jean

Sunday 4 November 2012

Days Full of Sunshine and Showers


My days are busier than for some time, and the camera, the words, and the blog come a very sad second best.

Lawns, firewood, cleaning up in the garden, and yes, that “ Weed eater” all take precedence lately.

Today we have lovely sunshine, some showers on Saturday, and flowers in bloom to say Spring is almost over and Summer will be here soon.

The Chestnut tree is ornamental, and we cannot eat the fruit, but at the moment its leaves and branches are drooping so prettily, giving shadows and shade.

Chestnut Tree

The Weeping Silver Pear is a memorial tree for my Mum-In-Law and Father-In-Law.

Weeping Silver Pear

The Rhododendrons are beautiful, and show off to nature’s perfection against the sky or their own leaves.

 Pink Rhododendron White Rhododendron Pansies

The pansies  have those faces on their petals, and seem to smile.At each other? to the primulas nearby? Or to me?

We have had friends from afar come  to visit, or to stay, all so very welcome.They caution Hugh to take care, not to tramp, go hunting, or try to carry out a deer should he ever shoot one!!! His dream, but not right now.Life carries on at a slower pace, he heeds the words each Doctor says, and we wait for a clinic visit.In the meantime the library provides good books, the TV  gives  news, and his Laptop good entertainment.

Quotation of the day  from Khalil Gibran

“Faith is a knowledge within the heart, beyond the reach of proof. ”

Greetings from Jean.