Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Wednesday 29 September 2021

Good things take time

 Thank you all SO much for the lovely words and caring thoughts and messages. It is so good to be home, no stent needed, and the follow up might happen in due course. I am guessing I am not classed as an urgent case now.

Many years ago, in 2009, we were in the South Island, and visited the Catlins area. This is windswept from the colder south, and all the trees bend sideways. 

 There are these beautiful falls, a delight for any photographer. Back then I had a tiny Canon Ixus camera, and walked carefully across some slippery rocks for this photo.

The Purakaunui Falls are a favourite place for tourists, you walk along  a narrow  track through the trees, just off the main road.

While we were in that area, I was taken to a quilt fabric shop, and I chose some green fabrics. 

They have matured for over 12 years, and today I finally finished the bag I  started so many years ago. The Koru is a spiral shape based on the  unfurling silver fern, and on so many of New Zealand  rugby, hockey, netball  and other team jerseys, the Silver Fern is the symbol so often displayed there. There are 2 pockets inside, and it is SO roomy, perfect for a day out or a short holiday.

We have had some very cold days, non-stop rain, and the fire is still lit every evening.

Quotation of the day, from Tao Te Ching,

" Stay at the centre of the circle and let all things take their course"

Greetings from Jean

Saturday 18 September 2021

Guess What #3

 Good Morning

I am still in Wellington but came back to the motel late yesterday afternoon .

Yesterday's procedure went well but guess what??? There were no blockages, the original stent the same surgeon inserted last year is behaving as it should , and no new stents needed.

And best of all, he hopes  a cardiac specialist back home might have some new thoughts on reducing some of my medications .So I guess a letter with a new appointment will arrive very soon. 

We so enjoyed a takeaway dinner last night, grandson who is living down here joined us and we had some laughs over memories from years ago.

I didn't bring my camera and it takes ages for my phone photos to go by email here, so this is from the internet, a photo of Wellington Harbour.

This morning I am off to a shoe shop, fantastic range and good prices, then the compulsory stop at Fibre Flair in Waikanae on the way home, maybe some ombre for a new watercolour wall hanging, or some bright cottons to make beeswax covers.

Thanks to you all for  the encouraging and caring comments.It makes such a difference to know friends worldwide care.

Quotation of the day,

" Be thankful  for all the goodness  and love from family and friends "

Greetings from Jean

Thursday 16 September 2021

GuessWhat #2?

 Hello everyone,

my blogging has been sparse or non-existent. There have been a few hiccups, and I am off to Wellington Hospital again, driving down this time, and waiting at the front Main Entrance at 7.25 a.m. on Friday.

The same surgeon will see me, and from what I have been told,  some limited information,  and it wasn't any help for the nurse to tell me " You don't need to worry about that" there is either a narrowing inside the existing stent, or they will do a " Plus and Minus" test, where the pressure is assessed, not sure if this will be just in the LAD, where the original stent is. or other arteries. 

Not quite like outdoor plumbing where the pipes can be seen, taken out and replaced, I am hoping it will be an easy fix.

Weather wise, we have had rain, more rain, constant rain. The temperatures have been low at night, and some farmers have had huge lambing losses.  Well into the minus Celsius, and some places only reaching 1 C at about 10 a.m.

Covid restrictions continue,  positive cases are slowly lessening, hospital visitors will be severely restricted, after a patient in a ward with others had a very obvious conjugal visit, the curtains were closed, but one other patient said the "goings on" were very indicative of what was happening!!!!

Check out Sue's blog over at Kamo Lady to see the Teddy Bear comments!!!

There  is a wonderful fabric shop I can visit on the way home, hopefully that will be Saturday, a Shoe shop in Wellington has a massive sale, and as a reward on the way home, Otaki has many outlet shops with great bargains,. A bit like the jelly bean after an injection when you were a child.

Off to pack the last minute things into my bag,  maybe some photos tonight .

Quotation of the day, author unknown,

"Trust the trained professionals to do the difficult jobs"

Greetings from Jean