Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Monday 30 June 2014

Happy Birthday, Josh, 30th June 2014


17 years ago we waited at Rotorua Hospital, and the news came  that we were proud grandparents of a boy, Josh Lee.

Where have those years gone,  we  are both so proud of your achievements, NCEA, Mountain Bike races,  phone calls, emails, and so much more. Love from miles away, always.

Family love has no limits, is always there, and increases with each year.

Josh & Hugh July 2004Josh sliding July 2004Josh July 2004Josh and  Jean, July 2004

Josh at Lake Rotorua,May 2011Josh on board 20008

Josh Lee #2 at Mt Vic


Josh 2014

Much love and very Best Wishes,

Nanny and Poppa ( aka Jean and Hugh).

Quotation of the day,  author unknown

“ As a family we may not have it all together,

but together we have everything”

Greetings from Jean

Thursday 19 June 2014

A Man’s Best Friend


One of my dear friends has a new man in his life.

Yes, he goes by the name of


Storm is 3 years old, and came into our friend’s  life  some time  after  his dearest girl, Sam passed over the Rainbow Bridge.

Here is Sam, again at our home,  black, large gentle eyes, so much loved.


Sam , 2013

Storm, sitting on the seat under the Elm Tree.

Storm looking the other way

After a little persuasion, Storm faced the camera for this super shot.

Hey Storm, I was sitting there

If I lie here long enough, and look like this, will I get a treat?

One eye on the action

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“  The journey of life is sweeter ,when travelled       with a dog”

Greetings from Jean

Tuesday 17 June 2014

What is This Blur???



Blurred lights at  5 a.m.#

1 Is it fireworks???

#2 Is It lightning??

#3 Is it the tail lights on the ambulance at 5 a m ???

Yes to #3,  too dazed to check the shutter speed or anything else, and too tired to hold the camera steady, Never mind,blurry lights are fine.

Hugh has had  a few days of recurring pain, crutches, and Monday night was like the lights, it went in a blur of no sleep, pain medication, that didn’t help at all, and another 111 call about 4.30 a.m. Two ladies arrived, helped him into the chariot that delivers help to so many. I followed over at daylight, and was given a reviving coffee in a few minutes. Maybe we have been there in ED so often, we are  familiar faces. A lovely doctor, by the name of Dan, reassured us, no recent trauma, and to make  another appointment with the orthopaedic surgeon. Medication needs to be adjusted, to control pain at all times !! I think if it does that, it’ll be a true miracle. Home to sleep, watch the rain fall on the windows, and look at my bed with eyes almost closed  already.

I continue to be so grateful for our hospital, the staff, a prompt ambulance service, and friends and family there with  love, support, and offers of everything we could or would need.

Hugh on the swing bridge at Otaki Forks #2

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ If you want to keep your feet firmly on the ground, do not walk on high bridges”

Greetings from Jean

Saturday 14 June 2014

June’s Full Moon, 2014


This was an exercise in warm clothing, remote shutter control, and patience. Last night Full Moon bathed the lawn like daylight, and I waited till this morning to get a photo. Why wait till a freezing morning, 1 Celsius, too many clothes, hat, neck warmer, gumboots, and more!!! Here it is in Full Glory, well, that is not true at all, as it is not in Telephoto, the trees take priority today.


Moon, early June morning

Full Moon June 14th


Same moon, June 2014

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ Don’t tell me the sky’s the limit when there are

Footprints on the moon”

Greetings from Jean

Wednesday 11 June 2014

The Wind Blew, and overnight all the leaves fell


Last night there were gale winds in Northland and Auckland, and further south severe flooding. We escaped it all, just wind and some rain here. The Weeping Silver Pear Tree has lost almost every leaf, but more white blossoms have bloomed this morning. The Scarlet Oak is, also, showing two tiniest patches of a few leaves, the rest are brown and piled up on the lawn.

Rhododendrons have bloomed gloriously, deep pink and shining red.

The fire is lit, and happiness is  coffee ,a good book and fireside warmth.

Silver pear blossom in June

Weeping Silver Pear, wind blown

Scarlet Oak leaves

Scarlet Oak after the wind

Another Rhododendron June 2014

Rhododendron in glorious Shocking Pink

Quotation of the day, from Percy Bysshe Shelley

O, wind, if winter comes, can spring be far behind?

Greetings from Jean

Tuesday 10 June 2014

Spring Blossom in Winter

Last week, there was a small area of frost free lawn under the Weeping Silver Pear Tree

A  sheltered patch of grass under the Weeping Silver Pear Treeweeping  silver pear tree  with golden leaves

Last night there was some rain, and some wind.,This morning there is a golden carpet of leaves, in that same frost-free area. And a miracle ,in winter, small white blossoms, does the  tree think it is springtime again?

A carpet of Golden Leaves #1

A few small blossoms ,hard to focus in the rain, with very grey skies all round. And one rain droplet on the end of a bare twig. Two photos, I couldn’t decide which one I liked the most, they are almost the same.  I have decided I need a rain cover for my camera!!

One blossom and rain droplet


White Blossom in Winter

Quotation of the day, author unknown,

“ When life gives you a rainy day, play in the puddles”

Greetings from Jean

Sunday 8 June 2014

Winter brings its own Glorious Colours

 The Cherry Trees are almost bare, a few red leaves testimony to the summer beauty,But even in winter, they show stunning colour, as those leaves change colour, then fall.

Weeds have some pretty flowers, and I have always liked the Dandelion heads, have any of you experienced the thrill of blowing the fairydown off, calling out the time to “ One O'clock, Two O'clock “and so on.

Our days are definitely cooler, the sun is lazy, rising so much later, and off to bed well before our dinner time. Fires keep warmth inside, and the first coffee of the day by a fire,  cosy, waiting for daylight, for me that is true bliss!!!

Cherry tree leaves in glorious technicolour

This Cherry Tree  has lost almost all its leaves

Late afternoon shadows on the lawn

Dandelion Flower after the yellow petals have fallen

Quotation of the day from Jean de la Fontaine

“ Friendship is the shadow of the evening , which increases with the setting sun of life”

Greetings from Jean

Monday 2 June 2014

He arrived in the night, silently, with silver toes


June 1st, our official first day of winter, heralded in with a frost, and another this morning.The grass sparkled like there were diamonds scattered on it.Gradually the sun rose, shining its warmth onto the trees in succession. My shadow shows the bulky layers, merino underwear, fleece pants and jacket, and the best top layer to be made, a pure wool Swandri. Fleece hat, and merino neck-warmer. Where  are  my gloves?? I need to find some that are made for photographers or rifle shooters!!!

View to the North-East, sunshine through the smoke from the wood fire.


Looking to the North-East

My shadow photo was taken almost here, as the sun made the agapanthus leaves a brilliant almost lime-green.

sunshine almost arriving

This is further to the right of the previous photos. Cherry Blossom trees ,the leaves look almost pink, as the sun turns the brown to red. Just behind them, a small Azalea hedge, with bright pink flowers.

Sunshine almost on the lawn


The Weeping Silver Pear Tree, a memorial to Hugh’s Dad Neil, grass under those branches was sheltered from the frost.

A  sheltered patch of grass under the Weeping Silver Pear Tree

And I am outlined, in HUGE style, those layers I’m sure are magnified by the camera!!!


My early morning shadow on the frosty grass

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ Seasons will  keep their arrival on time, each one leaving as the next one comes in with a flurry.

Enjoy  them with their own special beauty”

Greetings from Jean