Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Saturday 28 November 2015

No Snow for the photo shoot, just rain and wind


This November has flown, with hospital visits, Hugh’s cataract surgery, a loose pipe in the laundry( no details there, words were too graphic for publication) more driving and 3 deadlines to meet. And one more all done and posted, this is a surprise . No Photos Yet!!! All done on time, whew!!!

I look at the snow where quilts are displayed at Kathy’s place, you will find her at Tamarack  Shack .They lie gracefully on that white stuff, and look stunning. Today the One Block Wonder November block  was finished, but like a mushroom, it started out as a small idea, then I found this wonderful design, and thought it suited the batiks I had. Well, it grew and grew .

Inside was dull and boring, and the light wasn’t great. Outside was wet, so   I used the large sun umbrella, in case this was the best light all day.Then later, sunshine came, I strung a stretchy cord between 2 Cabbage Trees, and hoped for the best.

One Block Wonder in the wind

One Block Wonder in the rain #2

One Block Wonder on the line

Under the umbrella shows the colours best, and I need some ides, do I bind this, at  32 inches, or add a border in deep blue or burgundy, or maybe 2 borders? I thought this was going to be a small project, but now it is finished,  I am  so glad  I persevered. My Dad would be so  proud, as he knew how I can leave things to the last minute. This wasn’t the case here, just daily life and all else intervened.

And, my post this week had a super delivery. Mug rugs, YES, there were 2, from Tiff at Folded Gingham, as well as some lovely buttons, and fat quarters in reds and green. Tiff, thank you so much, I hope your parcel has arrived by now, I managed to meet the deadline, not by NZ dates, but yours, and Kimberly,   you can find her at  Camp and Cottage Living, many thanks for my wonderful mug rug swap partner.

Maybe there will be a few days respite, with just  one more sewing project to finish tomorrow,  our younger daughter’s birthday  is at the end of next week. No photos, as a surprise will be posted.

Quotation of the week, author unknown,

“Life is a one time offer, use it well”

Greetings from Jean

Friday 27 November 2015

November Blocks, look at that purple.

The last 2 weeks have been a blur, 2 hospital visits for  Hugh, one for a gash in his arm, the next for cataract surgery.All went well,  a check up with the surgeon in another  12 days , sewing continued, with many interruptions.

The November blocks are done, with some new blue, teal and purple fabrics to add to the others. Dianne  did say that with batiks, they all go well together, no matter what shades. I do like the new purple, fan shaped strips on black, quite startling.And the new teal has blobs of all the other colours  I have used.

I am looking forward to the way all these mighty blocks go together, specially the 19 inch courthouse steps.

November blocks all done

Quotation of the day,  author unknown

“ Look to nature to find  every colour imaginable”

Greetings from Jean

Thursday 12 November 2015

The Week That Was……


This week… Boris the warrior fought his first fight, and came off  slightly damaged. A visit to the vet, some fur shaved off, lots of growls and cries, local  anaesthetic injected, 5 clips inserted, and the lovely Paula said “ If you say  162 dollars  very fast, it might not be so bad”!!!

Boris on the grass

This week… the flowers in the garden continued to show their glory. Deep purple tulips, ruffled red poppies, foxgloves in various shades, and Dutch Iris in purple.

Tulips , deepest purple

One Red PoppyFoxglove flowers

Boris in the Iris Garden

  This week.. I finally found the batik fabrics to continue with the Midnight Mystery quilt. Deep purple, with fans of purple on black,  2 shades of blue, and a beautiful teal green with other colours as well in that fabric. Thanks, Dianne at  Village Books and Crafts, you can find her at College Street, Palmerston North. So many goodies there, I was very restrained and came home with the four that I needed!!! The other blocks are almost finished, just waiting for the  new borders or inset squares.

New fabric for Midnight Mystery

This week… the firewood pile is high and mighty, thanks again to Anne and Norman, 3 more trees cut down, split and stacked. The shed roof was repaired, and looks so waterproof. I stood and waited for rain, but knew when it does fall, all the wood inside will be dry, Thanks Norm, for the extra building and carpentry.

The mighty heap of firewood


       This week …I watched TV, and saw the Head Monitor of Christchurch Boys High School give his  valedictory speech at the end of year Prize Giving. Jake Bailey, an inspiration to each one of us, was diagnosed with cancer a week  earlier.

Jake Bailey Christchurch

There is a link for the video, and I also watched the whole prize giving ceremony, thanks to CBHS. At the end of the ceremony, and after Jake had returned to hospital, the school choir sang, and then it was announced that all the monitors would also sing,  they said they made this choice  after the events of the past three weeks. Every one stood and joined in , pupils, teachers, and parents.

“ You’ll Never Walk Alone”

Below is  an excerpt from some of his speech.

Jake gave his speech from a wheelchair, and at the end students performed an emotional haka .

  "I wrote a speech and then a week before I was due to deliver it they said, you've got cancer," Jake said.

"They said if you don't get any treatment you'll be dead in three weeks. And they told me that I wouldn't be able to come and deliver this speech here tonight".

Here's the thing, none of us get out of life alive. So be gallant, be great, be gracious and be grateful for the opportunities that you have … I wrote this before I knew I had cancer and now I have a whole new spin on it.

“Forget about long-term dreams. Let’s be passionately dedicated to the pursuit of short-term goals. Work with passion and pride on what is in front of us. We don’t know where we might end up or when it might end up.”

“I don’t know where it goes from here, for any of us – for me, for you. But I wish you the very best in your journey, and I thank you all for being part of mine.”


  Read more: http://www.3news.co.nz/nznews/christchurch-boys-head-boy-gives-spine-tingling-speech-2015110710#ixzz3r4M0DKTW

My thanks to CBHS, Jake Bailey, and courtesy of the Internet for this content and the links. A man who is an inspiration to his fellow students, the teachers, all parents, and his family .

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ May we all have the  strength  to endure pain, 

wisdom to think things through,

and courage to face fears”

Greetings  from Jean

Monday 2 November 2015

Sleep Deprived, and So Justified!!!


Congratulations to our New Zealand All Blacks, well done.For those who got the awards, there is a huge team behind them to make this happen, and for the 6 who are  retiring , a perfect finish to their career .

Photos courtesy of the Internet.

NZ Rugby World Cup with the 6 retiring players



I have made another  bag, this time for the “Mister” in the family, and not the one living here. Circular base, double stitching on all seams, it might come in for some serious hard wear.

His bag #1

Bags for Mr. and Mrs.

The lupins are in full flower, white, pale  mauve, deeper  mauve, deep  purple and pink. Glorious display, they grew so fast.

Lupins blowin' in the wind


Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ Imagine with all your mind,

believe with all your heart,

achieve with all your might.

Greetings from Jean