Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Friday, 16 December 2011

A Trip Down Memory Lane

Many years ago we lived at Lake Tarawera.Time was spent in a little bach,
well almost a very tiny shed, we fitted in 2 sets of bunks, a small cabinet,
and that was it,  and later when Hugh and Ross built a deck almost as large, we thought it was wonderful.Lots of  holidays there, winter and summer. 
Some years later we moved to live at the end of Spencer Road.
Today we drove there and on the way met a very dear friend.
 Catching up on our news took some time, and with sadness and joy shared,
photos were taken.

View from a friend's garden
The tree in Betty’s garden had just a few flowers in bloom.Almost too
high for me to take a photo, but the branch was in  arm’s reach,
so I held it down.Waxy petals, pale green and darker leaves,perfect.

A tree in Betty's Garden

Another view
Bay View Road is almost the same, many new homes, some names on the letter boxes are familiar, we were amazed to find so many still there after some 25 years.Stoney Point was familiar, with the Volunteer Fire Brigade Building, a tree  planted, with a plaque and Morris Scobie’s name there.
Rain was on the horizon, so that was the end of our short visit. Then  another friend drove up and we shared much news.
How did Gwen recognise me, with white hair, an Aussie hat to keep off the sun, and so many years since we were there???
From Bay View Road

View from Stoney Point

Black Swan

Quotation of the day, by Aldous Huxley
“Every man’s memory is his private literature”
Cheers from Jean

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