I must start with my thanks for your comments, emails and words of support,love ,hugs,and care, and more, to me and to Hugh.They mean so much, and now that I am on the receiving end, I realise how very much. For the first time since last Tuesday, I had tears as I read your lovely words. To you all, so far away, and those closer here in NZ, friendships through blogger, I value you so much.
Today I had a lesson in using the ride-on mower. Hugh is allowed to sit on it to mow the lawn, but not lift up the grass catcher, or anything else heavy. I listened carefully, did one round, and forgot how to slow it down and stop first the mower blades then the motor. Luckily he was waiting.!!! His mower is like this, all automatic, so how could I make any mistakes???
Next lesson will be the dreaded “ Weed Eater” or Whipper Snipper. I hate them, they are heavy, need to be turned with mighty strength, and make my shoulders ache.!!! Meantime I can use our self-drive mower, do I smile like this girl??? Courtesy of the Internet.
Next week I am hoping I can look at the last few months blocks for the FMQ 2012 Challenge. I realise how much I have been outside lately, and quilting has been put aside. Quilters around the world have posted some truly beautiful, intricate blocks, that for me would take years to achieve. So it is time for the Bernina to be in use every day. I found some gloves in the $2 shop in Rotorua, with gripper dots on the palms and fingers, they make it so much easier.
The Clown Appliqué is one of my favourites, ( I did this some time ago) and can be done in so many colour selections. He might go onto the front of a bag very soon.And the gloves, well I have seen clowns that do wear large white gloves !!!
Quotation of the day from an unknown author
“ The greener grass over the fence will not be seen
when the snow falls”
Greetings from Jean
Dear Jean ~ Learning new things keeps us young at heart. I have a gas powered push mower and an electric weed wacker. I do get worn out using these things, but I've been doing it for years and years.
May Hugh's strength be regained with each new day and may you be blessed with strength too as you take care of things.
Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady
It is good to see your post, my new friend. I am glad that Hugh is at home and doing well.
Think of all the muscles you will build with the Whipper Snipper... you can use all that new arm strength for pushing quilts through your machine later :-)
Sending Love and Ladybug Hugs from the USA! xoxox
Think how your brain cells will grow from all your new accomplishments. However it might not be wise for you to lift so heavy either. Forget the weed snippet! Hope Hugh is doing well.
He he keep on working with the lawn...you do fine...hope Hugh is doing better
Hi Jean, I just read yesterday's (Monday's) post. I am so sorry that this has happened to Hugh and to you. One never knows when these things will occur. It appears that everyone who could help you did so. That is so heartening to hear, Jean.
I can't imagine doing this on my own either.
Amazing what medical science can do now. And you will be there to watch Hugh and make sure he does what he was told!!
Now a you tube clip with you on that mower would be a 'hit'!! lol
Today I have read all your words, and for the first time had a smile. Lorraine, Hugh is coping a little better each day, no pain, just the restrictions bugging him;Kathy, the circles quilt might be on the back burner, he is very good at supervising me, making sure I do not WRECK anything;Barb, I am trying but at 72, brain needs a little longer to learn new skills, but I'll get there;Lindsjo, I can only laugh, and hope for cooler days so no growth for a week or so, and Jim,yes, family and friends nearby have been wonderful; and those so far away,I am humbled;A video!!! that would be truly a huge LOL!!Wait and see, Fond greetings to you all from Jean.
You are learning so many new things. I'm glad that Hugh is feeling pretty good, all things considered. I'm with Barb on you lifting heavy stuff. At least forget the weed wacker (it would destroy my spine so I'd never touch one)... just leave the weeds for now - there are more important things for you to focus on.
I'm really glad to hear the upbeat tone in your "voice". I've been thinking of you, and this post was so encouraging.
Mmmm - lawns and the weed eater. We do tend to take our husband's outside chores for granted, don't we? Good on you for giving it a go!
Best wishes for your DH's speedy recovery. Take care, both of you.
Thanks so much KB and Jenny, I might give that dreaded weed whipper snipper a miss, wonderful friends nearby have offered their help, and now I am so to speak " on the other side" I know how easy it is to pick up how others are doing by just some few words.Yes, I am OK, not lifting anything heavy at all, driving, with Hugh's running instructions as we go!!!GP visit tomorrow, so will find out a bit more.I am so lucky to have wonderful friends,amd when I read your words, truly the only time I have tears, probably from the comfort and care sent with them.Fond greetings, Jean.
Sorry to hear of the difficulties in your life at the moment. Will hope "everyday in every way...things get better and better."
I am responding to you comments on Lori's journel. The blue bag is a Vera Bradley cosmetic bag...atleast 10 yrs. plus old. I use it to carry sewing supplies for quilting. Lori proposed a new art project...to creat a picture using fabric, different stitches, etc. Since I am new at drawing, I decided to take a break from my cat drawing (not the cat on Lori's current journal) and get back into sewing, quilting, etc. for a little while. Was so pleased to see you are a quilter, too.
Sally, how lovely to get your comment, it means so much. Do you have a blog? The blue bag just seemed to stand out all by itself, maybe 'cause I so like the blues,purples, greens in the colour chart.Looking forward to seeing the new creation on Lori's blog.I cannot paint or draw, but so enjoy seeing Lori's "students" at work in her lovely studio. Fond greetings from Jean.
Weed whipper snipper... I so love your "language". That sound so elegant... I say weed whacker and that is not so eloquent. LOL If I were there I'd run it for you. You know how much I love mowing/whacking. The smell itself is enough to keep me going. I'd ask my family for a ticket, but I'm afraid they'd think I'd gone crazy!
Don't worry about any of it. Really...in the big picture time together sipping tea means far more than keeping the lawn in order. Enjoy each other.
Gayle, when I get to do the weeds, well really it is long grass under a tall netting run where the currant bushes are, the "language" might not be too good.Never mind, I have those lovely new boots to boost my confidence.time together, we have that so much these days.Yes, would love to have you down here, we have gale winds, one tree down so far, squalls and 11 Celsius, almost tropical, I can hear you say. Fondest greetings, Jean.
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