Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Tuesday, 25 April 2017

April 25th, 2017, Lest We Forget


Here in New Zealand, April 25th is recognized as Anzac Day,     (Australian and New Zealand Army Corps) when services are held nationwide, to remember the servicemen and women who were overseas, who gave their lives, and the ones who returned to tell their stories. The Red Poppy is a symbol of remembrance , and  Lieutenant Colonel John McCrae wrote of the poppy in his second to last poem “ In Flanders Fields”.

John McCrae was born in Guelph, Ontario, on November 30th, 1872, and trained as an artillery man at the  Royal Military College of Canada, at Kingston, Ontario. He  was a resident master of English and Mathematics at the Ontario Agricultural College in Guelph in 1894. He then returned to the University of Toronto and  completed his B.A. He later  returned to study medicine on a scholarship.

McCrae was appointed as Medical Officer and Major of the 1st Brigade CFA (Canadian Field Artillery). He treated wounded during the Second Battle of Ypres in 1915, from a hastily dug, 8 foot by 8 foot bunker dug in the back of the dyke along the Yser Canal about 2 miles north of Ypres. McCrae's friend and former militia pal, Lt. Alexis Helmer, was killed in the battle, and his burial inspired the poem,  “In Flanders Fields”

In Flanders Fields


Poppy with morning dew

Quotation of the day

Lest We Forget

Greetings from Jean


Sandra Walker said...

We have November 11 as Remembrance Day (you probably know from your other Canadian friends) and that poem is always read, the Réveillon, and Last Post always played, a trumpet solo. Very sobering, what they went through, horrific. May it never reoccur. I did not know he was from Kingston. That is a fairly long drive, 6 hours northeast of me.

Carol Mattingly said...

What a wonderful remembrance. Those that gave their lives would be proud. Hope you well. Carol

Jane said...

We have Memorial Day on the last Monday of May and Veterans Day (used to be called Armistice Day) on November 11. Our little village does a very good job of honoring the veterans and we have a special park for the fallen.

Terra said...

Beautiful post and such a profound poem and an important day of remembrance. Also, happens to be my birthday, ha ha.

The Furry Gnome said...

We lived around the corner from John McRae House, and our kids went to John McRae School! Well known stories.

Paige said...

Lovely tribute!

eileeninmd said...

Hello, a lovely poem and tribute honoring your country's servicemen
The poppies are so pretty, lovely images. Have a happy day and week ahead!

Our photos said...

Yes, let's not forget !!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

A beautiful post to remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice and made such a difference.

Inger said...

The red poppy is a beautiful symbol and your post truly honors those who sacrificed for their countries.

What Karen Sees said...

Love this reminder. I remember celebrating and learning about Anzac Day when we lived in New Zealand. So important to remember and honor our history!

Jenn Jilks said...

I find it interesting that both ours and yours is in the fall!
Cheers and hugs to you both! xo

KB said...

The photo with the Flanders Fields poem is gorgeous. We will always remember.

Fundy Blue said...

I've seen lovely Anzac memorials during my travels in Europe, Jean. Thank you for sharing the information about the poppy and John McCrae. "In Flanders Fields" was the first poem I remember memorizing with the exception of nursery rhymes. I nearly always shared this poem with my students, and a number of times my class presented it in assemblies during Veterans Day celebrations. We must never forget the sacrifices of those who made our freedom possible.

helenjean@midgetgemquilts said...

It is so important to remember, remember so we don't forget and so that it hopefully never happens again.