We can all dream, it costs nothing, we get huge enjoyment, then slowly flutter or fall down to earth with a thud!!

Hugh and I had a few nights stay at Rotorua,saw Dani’s horse, Joey, and did a short photo shoot.He is a handsome, tame fellow, and no doubt took Hugh back to his pony club days.

The clipped coat was hidden under a mid season cover.
this is where Joey lives. Quiet, green grass, and stables if the weather gets too cold, too wet, or too windy ( gale force winds can happen here too).

On Sunday we went back to Taupo, where I joined in with some 10 or so other ladies from nearby, and Tauranga and further afield, to have the most wonderful morning with Linda and Peggy.
Their home looks over the Waikato River, and in winter you can see the snow on the Ruapehu and Tongariro Mountains.

There was a little snow as we drove along the Desert Road , in the Central Plateau.

Linda blogs at Razzle Dazzle Quilter , and you will find Peggy at Kiwi Klippings.
We were all introduced to one-another, then out to the “room” where all the goodies are kept.The Innova is a dream machine, and Linda showed us how to load a quilt onto the leaders, why backing and batting need to be wider and longer than the quilt top, and use Red Snappers, which make it all look so easy. Then some ruler work,on a pre outlined pattern, THEN, we were all allowed to have a go!!! Magical, scary, but such fun.Linda’s gentle guiding hand helped the needle stitch a better design than my fumbling attempt,
We all did some swirls, leaves, lines and a bit more, but there were plenty of empty spaces that Linda would fill in later on.
Morning tea intervened, this was scrumptious!!! Thank you so much Peggy.
.I am certain that my ancient Gammill will definitely be re-wired very soon, as this is so much easier than manhandling a quilt into a domestic machine space. Linda had our names in a bowl, one was drawn out, and Margaret would be the lucky recipient of the finished quilt, cream thread on cream fabric.
p.s. Linda finished it yesterday, so another one for a client could go onto the frame.
Thank you both, Linda and Peggy, for a fabulous morning, and did I mention the morning tea??? Hot savouries, tea, coffee, expresso if you would like it ( I did, please) yummy slice and more. They are a dream team together, and we all so enjoyed what Linda called
“ A Day in the Life of a Long Arm Quilter”.
Quotation of the day, author unknown
“ True friendship is based on trust, honesty,
and sincere generosity from the heart”
Greetings from Jean