Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday 17 January 2019

Blogger problems

I did a post with lots of photos and get a 400 error.

So this is a trial with no photos.

We are OK, the garden is doing well, plants are planted, the edging is done, but the spare bedroom sill has , according to a friend…

TOO much stuff!!!

We are working to reduce the massive heap,and slowly it is reducing.

Thank you all so much for lovely words and caring thoughts and good wishes.

Hugh has recently said, “ We are not moving again”!!!

Greetings from Jean.


Nancy J said...

Phew, it posted so it must be something to do with having photos there. I will keep persevering.

Nancy J said...

Horrors, I can see a spelling error, the "bedroom sill" should be "bedroom still" But the odd item is almost on the sill, so I guess that is acceptable.

Julie Fukuda said...

I have been quite frustrated with the constant changes in blogger that makes. Suddenly long-time friends are not able to comment, or comments are not coming to my email acct. Then I can't comment on some other blog ... Going to the settings, everything looks like a mystery. Luckily one of my blogging friends who had everything working fine, went to her settings and sent me an e-mail telling which ones to choose. Some things began to work and other things took more than one try.
The house will get sorted out sooner or later. It must be nice to have the garden planted. A three storey house is going up on the weed lot so the last of my sun ... other than what is reflected from the windows of the house across the street is not to be seen.

eileeninmd said...


We have been downsizing for years, just in case we decide to move for good.
I decided I can do with a lot less in my life. Sorry you are having problems with Blogger. I would like to see more photos of your new home. Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Glad your move went well!! Hope your blogger issues get solved soon.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I am sorry about the photos (or perhaps so many of them?) causing issues. I'm glad to hear you are doing well!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I hate when there are Blogger problems and I think there are too many of them. Remember the IT Crowd...have you tried turning if off and on. Sometimes a complete shut down works.
Meanwhile, yes you two will get through it. Not easy I know.

Jenny said...

It all takes time doesn't it, but you are getting there. Sorry to read about your blogger problems, hope it gets sorted soon.

Jenn Jilks said...

You did it!
What fun it is watching you have fun, and recreating a home.

KB said...

I've never seen that particular error. I sure hope that you can work it out!!!

Barb said...

Hugh is very wise! Glad you're getting settled, Jean.

Carol Mattingly said...

So glad to know things are progressing. I know over time you'll get there. Can't blame Hugh for not wanting to do it all over again. Moving is such a drudge. Have a wonderful weekend. We're going to get a tad bit of snow this weekend, I hope. Carol

Fundy Blue said...

Hi, Jean! I'm glad to hear that you're reducing your heap of unpacking. We're likely looking at a move in the not too distant future. I'm with Hugh, just at the thought. I'm sorry that Blogger is giving you a time of it. If you want to feel better, try messing with Wordpress. That makes me want to tear my hair out. Wishing you and Hugh all the best!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

Sorry about the photos Nancy, I always enjoy seeing what you're doing. We have finally found a house we like and hopefully will be moving in March! Lots to downsize also.

Kathleen said...

Continued good wishes for your unpacking and making your new home yours! Blogger ha been annoying to comment on too - don't know why - and it makes all of this a bit crazier. Hope it is not a long problem...

Inger said...

I'm sorry about your blogger issues. I hope you will get them resolved. And do get rid of stuff, it is such a liberating feeling. I'm working on it myself and I love it!

Our photos said...

Yes, Nancy..people have too much stuff. And it is soooo difficult to throw it away !

Mystic Quilter said...

Hope you're soon able to have your photos up again Jean. It's going to take quite some time to find order in a new place, think of the 'tortoise and the hare'.