Or should that be " The Eyes"? I had a visit to our optometrist this week,and while waiting I looked for some smart new frames. Found some that really suited, and in I went. The frames are staying right there, as he cannot upgrade my lens strength any more, the cataracts have taken over in full force. So a referral to the hospital for some eye surgery.BUT, there will probably, or more likely definitely be a wait.
Meantime the draftsperson, who was a delightful lady, has come, and looked at the possible plans for a new bathroom and a huge storage walk in cupboard, more like a room longer than wider. Things are happening. Maybe not quite like this, but it will be spacious and practical.
I did ask our plumber if a wet floor shower was really the way to go and he replied " Jean, you and Hugh are both old, get one"!!! I suggested that he drove out the gateway quite quickly. Photo courtesy of the Internet.

We bought a new stove, Hooray, no more burnt biscuits or banana loaves that stayed so soggy in the middle, I gave them to a friend for her little piggies.
Some snow photos,of our home,a road a few hours away, and on the farm down south.
Snow on Takapari Road, Ruahine Ranges, August 2011 |
Our previous home in August 2011.Magical!!!
Down on the farm September 2010. This qualifies for a B&W photo!!
Snow down south April 2015, at 7 a.m.
I had to show my Northern friends that we do get snow down here, not as much as you have at the moment, I was amazed at the low temperatures, Aurora in Illinois, -33, are you coping OK up there?-15C at Rochester N.Y., Denver warming up at 6C, then down to Florida, a balmy 21C. We have a cooler day today, about 26C in the shade. After several days of 30cPlus, we are thankful.
Quotation of the day, author unknown
"Life is all about balance, like a good diet, variety between work and rest is good"
Greetings from Jean.
There is always something going on at your house! Everyone I know who has had cataract surgery has been very pleased with the results. You sure are tuned into the frigid temperatures we are having up here. In a few days it is supposed to be 53 degrees! I would love to have a bathroom like the one in your photo....we could use an upgrade. Stay well and keep enjoying your new home.
Pleased to see that things are moving along for you on the home front Jean, but sorry to hear about the need for cataract surgery. It will be so good to have a large bathroom and I think a wet floor shower is definitely the way to go, wish we had room for one at our place! Are you busy baking like crazy now?
I must say I like the idea of the shower shown in the photo, your plumber may be on to something. How good to have a new oven, that is on a list of things I aim to do this year.
Good to see so much getting done there. Not good about the cataract. Doug had two. He would have had several months to wait in the public system so had them done privately one week apart and didn't wait at all. Just a week to see the specialist, a week before the first one was done and another week before the second one. He hasn't looked back.
Glad to see you've conquered the blogging glitch with posting pictures! I can testify that after your cataracts are removed, you will be delighted with the new sharp vision and the wonderful colour clarity. Post surgery, took me weeks to stop saying "wow" at everything.
I would like to have that walk in shower too. It is much easier than climbing in and out of the bathtub. The snow is cold to even look at, our temps are slowly warming up from zero yesterday morning to 10° this morning. I am a wimp when it comes to cold weather and snow. Happy Friday, enjoy your weekend.
I love the shower, and I would so love a new bathroom in our house that would include a good soaking tub. It would be great to warm up in it. Our temps haven't been as severe as some in the Washington DC area, but still too cold for me.
My cousin just had cataract surgery last week. She waited a long time before she went forward, and says it went well.
A friend of mine had one of those glass-enclosed showers and about a month ago all that glass shattered into millions of tiny sharp pieces. The guy who came to do repairs said the reason for shattering was so that big sharp pieces wouldn't injure someone. Well, I think I like my folding door and tile walls.
I'm in the process of cataract surgery - had my left eye done on Jan 14th and the right eye is scheduled for Feb 11th. In the meantime, I'm going around with only one lens in my glasses; they removed the left one because it was now too strong for my 'new' eye. I have already seen a difference with the left eye; I would definitely recommend getting it done. I had to wait a few months because I wanted it done at the hospital here in town and the doctor only comes here once a month.
I guess I don't understand the concept of a wet floor shower; what keeps it from being slippery and risking the chance of falling?
We've also been experiencing the Snowpocolypse here in mid-Michigan and are now anxiously waiting for the temperature to rise above freezing.
You will be amazed at what cataract surgery will do for you. I had both eyes done a few years ago and my astigmatism got fixed also. I too am supposed to have snow here, but these days it's mostly rain. And it has rained and rained. I know we need it, so it's good but still.
Our yard looks much like your old home August photo right about now! We are slowly but surely warming up out of the deep freeze that was the polar vortex split, they said. 26 would be fabulous right about now, but I will hark back to last week in Mérida Mexico when it was that and more, went to 33 two Fridays ago and I loved it. A walk-in shower is what we intend to put in once we do our bathroom reno. We've had one in our past two homes and loved them. Exciting isn't it to plan? Glad to hear (no surprise though) what a young outlook you have; it's so important.
Bob had both eyes done (different times) and is pleased with the result. He now doesn’t need “cheaters” to read a menu. My Optometrist says everyone over 65 has the start of cataracts. Luckily, mine are progressing slowly. Sounds like you have some fun plans for home renovations. It finally went above freezing here today. I baked pumpkin bread. Hi to Hugh.
Kick the plummer to the curb...ha ha...love your post, fabulous pictures and snow...me no likey snow...only for one day.
Burrr! Just looking at those snow pictures makes me chill. Thank goodness I have a sup of hot tea steeping. I had one eye operated on for cataracts, and I was thrilled with the result. My second eye isn't quite ready. All the best to you and Hugh! Good luck with the renovations!
So sorry to hear about the Cataract, Hope the surgery happens soon for you. We have had crazy weather in MI, first snow about 4- 6 inches,then bitter cold that you mentioned same as in IL and then the weekend of high to mid 40's and today 51 with rain. Crazy weather! Love the bathroom!
I am so glad that you are posting again. You sound happy, and that is wonderful!!! Your bathroom will be lovely, and I guess that you are starting to think about getting ready for winter. I loved your snow photos!
My husband is facing cataract surgery too and he is on a 10 month waiting list! A lot of people need help with their eyes!
hi nancy. i saw your sweet comment at eileen's and just wanted to say thank you. those of you who remember me are so very kind, and i truly appreciate your well-wishes. blessing to you, always!
It is disturbing news to read about your "eye(s)problem". I really hope surgery will solve this !
Hope you can get your eye surgery over soon and that you will be able to see better. It is always great to get a new stove to cook properly! Makes for a happier home! We have not had much of a severe winter like the rest of USA has had. Here in Texas, it is chilly....but in the 30s and 20s and night. However most of the week has been in the upper 60s and 70s. We much need rain! Keep enjoying your new nest!
Nancy, I'm so happy to find your blog today! I've been away too, have missed you! Love your snow photographs, they are magical. I have heard after cataract surgery you'll be seeing clearer than ever! Nice getting a new oven, huge difference, I'm sure! Good luck and have fun with the renovations.
Have a great Sunday!
Hopefully you don't have too long to wait for your cataracts Jean. And they don't interfere with your lifestyle too much, more precisely your crafting, in the mean time. And I have to ask, did you let the plumber come back?
Good luck with your surgery. We have fairly long wait times here for it, but it is worth it. My client left hers too long and one eye couldn't be done. So sad.
Have fun with renos! I'm all for the walk-in shower. My client has someone in 6 days a week to help her bath. She cannot walk into her tub in the 150-year-old farm house.
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