Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Hacked, and hacked off!!

  The bad news is that my, well Hugh's Facebook account  that I use, has been hacked, seemingly I have made odd comments and there is something called US-AID that I might be raving on about. 

Two friends have contacted me, thanks so much for the alert,
and I am guessing you both realised it was NOT the real me. 

That isn't me, so in my own  Instagram and  Hugh's Facebook and anywhere else that I might post or comment, if you are not absolutely sure it is the real me, do not reply, or if there is a link, leave it and delete immediately.

I have changed passwords, and am sure my  side  is safe and secure.

I  an so sorry if anyone has received a message, believing it was from me, one friend wondered what got me so agitated!!!!! Maybe the words, " Raving on about" were used.

Meantime here is a photo from TeHihi Primary School, 1952, Standard 6, now called Form 2, the last year before High School. At least 3 of my friends have passed away, we were a happy bunch of pupils, life was safe, family homes were happy and secure, no mad cars, just a push bike or horse to get to school.

And with the 5th November this week, I remember our Guy Fawkes night there, a huge bonfire in the school horse paddock (  there were at least 6 horses, some with 2 on the back, one saddle, one bareback maybe  ), families arrived after milking the cows and dinner was finished, the fire was lit, and we were given sparklers. Now, I  look back and realise what a fun, safe,  and least expensive event this was for the 100 pupils and their families. I guess you can find me there in the photo . 

May, Carol, and Barry,  your laughter will always be  in our memories.

So the quotation for today should no doubt be

" If you are in doubt, leave it alone, and remember happy days of yesteryears"

Greetings from Jean.

p.s. Ginger Boy Boris has found a different smell at the letterbox, and for the first time ever,  jumped up and sat there tonight, trying to see if the slot at the front for the letters was large enough for a paw, or, worse still, his head to poke in and have a look. Needless to say he was hurried away immediately.


Julie Fukuda said...

The biggest hack I get these days are friend requests from people who I have been friends with a long time on facebook. I always go back through my friend list and make sure, then let them know so they can warn others. Love that old school pic.

eileeninmd said...

Hello Jean,
I am sorry to hear about the hacking. It is good to change your passwords.
Love the school photo, you have many happy times and memories. The letterbox sounds like fun for Boris, hopefully his head won't get stuck. Take care, enjoy your day!

Out To Pasture said...

Sorry that your Facebook account was hacked, Jean. Yesterday's news reported 'randsom ware' attacks which have affected hospitals in Canada. Interesting that your school picture showed the girls in uniform but not the boys. I would have preferred uniforms but my schools didn't have them.

Jenn Jilks said...

Oh my. Someone has copied your account. The trick is for us to report it as a fake.

A fun memory. IT's so good seeing your flowers, knowing that spring will come.

Marie Smith said...

What a great memory. We have come a long ways fr ok those school days to hacking of our social media!

Kate said...

I love that picture. All those bright, eager young people.

I am so sorry you got your Facebook account hacked. It is such a nuisance at the least. I hope your problems were solved easily.

Susan Heather said...

What a pain. I hate it when things like this happen. I often seem to get friend requests from people I am already friends with and always let them know.

Carol Mattingly Photography said...

Good to hear from you Jean. I knew that wasn't you on that FB page. I hope you and Hugh are doing well. Boris the cat sounds absolutely comical. Carol

Barwitzki said...

Nice quote ... yes, think about the beautiful in your life.
And nice foto :-))))
Happy weekend to you. Hug Viola

MadSnapper n Beau said...

thanks for the comment today, odd thing is, pills don't get stuck, ever. but the one she used was big round and textured. my mother could not even swallow an aspirin. I found your beautiful orange cat.

KB said...

Sorry that you got hacked but glad that it's resolved. I love the photo - what wonderful memories!

Mystic Quilter said...

Nothing quite like looking at our photos from times past bringing memories flooding back, so sorry to hear about your friends. That's a nuisance about the accounts being hacked and I didn't realise that you were on Instagram.

The Padre said...

What A Bummer And Such A Hassle - The School Photo Is Priceless - Righteous Quote My Friend


Tanya said...

I have had some computer woes too recently and my son advised me to make new accounts for everything and change my email address. My hands turn cold and my eyes begin to prick with tears.... I hate dealing with computers!!!

Our photos said...

Oh dear, I hope Your account is save, now !

Eggs In My Pocket said...

I was wondering how your nest in your letter box was doing. I guess the kitty knows that there is something special in there! Love the school photo. There are so many people trying their best to hack into other peoples "happiness". Reporting and changing passwords is always the best thing to do.

Nancy J said...

The best update of all, I have been in touch with one of the class, and another, May's nephew's wife, so the photos and anything else I recall will get posted by ordinary snail mail tomorrow.How little I knew that those class photos from the 1940's would be so treasured by generations years later.I wonder if the same will happen later on with my own photos.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Love the update that you posted about the photos! What a treasure the photos are!

I am sorry about the hacking, it unfortunately happens to all of us at one time or another, unfortunately.

Is Ginger boy Boris hoping for his very own mail? 😊

Dee said...

Dear Jean, how frustrating hacking can be. I was hacked on my computer five years ago and its took me three months to get everything cleared up. Moreover, the IRS here (Internal revenue system) told me that I will never be safe in that my information could be kept by someone for years/decades and ultimately be used to take everything from my bank accounts as well as to use my credit cards, etc. So I just let it go and trust that all shall work out for the best.

As to the past, I, like you, see it as a much simpler time. It wasn't, here in the United States, a better time really in that racism was rampant and the Korean and VietNam wars divided us and the great divide between political parties began, but it was simpler. Families felt safer; privacy was maintained; life was less loud with opinions! Peace.

Eggs In My Pocket said...

Just dropped by to wish you a happy holiday season!