Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday 11 July 2024

Living in Canada

 Hi, this is how I will be living in Canada for maybe 2 years !!!

The word to look for is  "Vicariously" !!!

Our grandson Josh has flown to Vancouver, has a position with a Geology Engineering company and might be there for a good while. If he can tolerate the heat. A huge shock after some mornings back here were minus in the Celsius range, and now up to 28C daytime and still very warm at night.

At Auckland Airport Departure Area on 6th July . 

 He has bought a Dodge  Stow and Go, and has a few weeks to travel before he starts the new job.
Life in Vancouver is so different to here in NZ, 
But we have had phone calls, and as a grandmother, feel so honoured he phones us, Photos, emails, and on Messenger so easy to do.
Now all he needs to do is find a flat or room to let, , fit the huge wagon out for sleeping and get bear spray and a bear horn for safety, as he will no doubt be wanting to  explore some of the remote areas. 

I am sure he will be seeing scenery like this, only on a mega scale.

Meantime, back to our news, I am still sewing, not as much or as quickly as before, 2 hospital trips, a possibly further angiogram maybe, if new medication that has SO many side effects is not tolerated !!

And another birthday in a few weeks.

This was on my birthday several years ago at Turoa skifield, in the Central Plateau, North Island.

So I will continue to live , again that wonderful word that was new to me, " Vicariously" through Josh's news, and will see  much more of Canada in the following months.

Quotation of the day, author unknown'

" You can't buy happiness, but you can  live in Canada. 

And that's much the same thing " 

Greetings from Jean


Susan Heather said...

How exciting.

eileeninmd said...

Looks likes your grandson like adventure, congrats to him on his new job.
Sending well wishes and happy birthday wishes. Take care, have a great day!

local alien said...

Great grandson!! It will be wonderful following his adventures

Marie Smith said...

Hope your grandson has a wonderful experience in this country!

Kate said...

I hope your grandson enjoys his time in Canada. Every part of it is different, geographically and culturally.

Happy Birthday!

Jenny said...

Hi Jean, sorry to read that you are still having hospital visits, guess we all slow down as we get older. It's been a while since you blogged, so its lovely to hear from you again. I had a hospital appointment the other week, and always make a point of taking my hospital batik bag with me, which you kindly made for me several years ago. It's just big enough for my knitting and a book, very handy when I whiled away some time at the hospital cafe. And the news was good, everything is fine, thank goodness. Your grandson will have the time of his life in Canada, I'm sure. And with the ease of communication these days, you will be enjoying photos galore.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh, living vicariously through others is one of life's beautiful joys. Happy early birthday!

Carol Mattingly Photography said...

So glad to hear from you Jean. I hope Hugh is doing ok. I turned 69 last month. Getting older is not much fun. I travel less as a result, but love my home in Kentucky and enjoy taking care of it and decorating it. I hope all goes well with your meds and the angiogram. Take good care, Carol

Lori Skoog said...

So nice to see your post. Your grandson will love Vancouver and we will learn more about it through you!

Mystic Quilter said...

Thank you for sharing the photos with us!! Good to talk the other day and catch up, fingers crossed for no more hospital trips. That's a nice photo of yourself and Hugh so well wrapped up against the cold, I've always loved that part of the North Island.

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

How wonderful that he shares so much of his adventures with you. I don't think the heat gets too bad in Canada, but the winter can be brutal.

The Furry Gnome said...

So nice to hear from you!