Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Friday, 9 March 2012

Posts, Photos and Pets

I have had problems with these videos, the You Tube words have remained,
the replay button does not go away until I click on the shrink,enlarge icon at the corner.
Then the words echoed and were played twice!!!
The  steepest part of the track starts before the quad comes into view, and then it goes on forever.

Hugh, slowly, slowly, then speeding away.

These cows and maybe the four horses were at the top of a large paddock, the one place that I did sit on the back and ride, the hill was long, and a bit steep at the end. The cattle were so quiet, they hardly moved to let us through.

This cow was in the next paddock to where the A Frame is, she is not in calf,
but is that fat always. The funniest thing is she looks lopsided, so goodness knows how big she will be later on.
I know I'm fat but I am not in calf

The early morning fog cleared away later in the day, and to join in with others around the country we had a red cover and black tyres, as we remembered Christchurch.

Early morning fog    
           Red and Black for Christchurch
Back home, I am learning to use my new camera. It is superb. thanks to Bruce Watt Photography and the wonderful staff there. Everything was explained, options of each model thoroughly described, and my choice was a Canon 550D. Yes, I really have one.Wow!! Wow!!! What can I say !!! So over the next two weeks with no internet,
no phone, no TV, and only generator power, surely I will get to learn more , I will have  so many  choices for good shots, and no distractions. Knitting, books and some stitcheries will fill in the other time I have left.
The 550D seems to capture the different shades of green so well, and this is without
any practice.
Front lawn

Last year we stayed at Piropiro Flats  for a week, and one hunter and his dog became separated.
Another young man found Jake, and he ended up with Ritchie, after a ride back to our camp on the quad.
He listened so carefully to every truck, vehicle and quad for 2 days. Then the next afternoon he sat up, ears up straight, then was so excited.
we couldn’t hear the car, but he knew who it was. Yes, his Dad had got the message and was so happy, thankful and relieved that Jake was found.
Grateful does not even begin to say how they both felt. Jake did circles, jumps, his tail nearly wagged off. Here he is in  a sad pose, still waiting.
Who will we find this time?

Jake at Piropiro 2011

Quotation of the day, from W H Davies, 1871-1940
“What is this life if,full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare”
Cheers from Jean


Nancy said...

How I loved the video of the cattle. I didn't realize how much I missed cows until I saw this.

You live in a beautiful area. I am anxious to see more photos as you master your new camera.

Nancy J said...

Thanks Nancy, yes I will need many hours to get familiar with the new Canon, but should have lots of time in the next two weeks.I don't miss the cows that were on our farm when I grew up, but I so enjoy seeing them on other farms now. Cheers, Jean.

Michaele said...

I love stories of happy reunions. Cant wait to see what you and your new camera come up with!

KB said...

I find that I learn more about my camera while on vacation than at any other time. We always camp in the wilderness for vacation so there are no distractions. I try all sorts of crazy settings and see what I get!

Have fun on your trip and with your new camera! Thanks so much for your kind words at my blog.

NCmountainwoman said...

I'm glad our paths have crossed in bloggerland. I will look forward to reading your archives.

Tanya said...

A new camera? How exciting!!!! I've been thinking and thinking about buying a new camera but I don't think I'd be able to learn to use a big Canon like yours... I will be looking forward to photos!