Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday, 25 October 2012

I Passed the exam!!!


weed eater fun

Photos courtesy of the internet.

The reality, as I struggled with that dreaded piece of machinery.  The weed-eater is so easy to start, but then it seemed to take off all by itself, the whirly bit at the lower edge crept closer to the wire, the stones, the concrete, and THEN, the  automatic water feeder!!! One whack, and the whole water  pipe piece flew away.

I was so lucky, no words from Hugh!!! so the first practical assignment is over.

Marks…A +  for effort, A + for appearance, C- for  workmanship !!! Jim, sorry no video today.!!

weed eater

Last week,  we went  to Palmerston North then on to Levin. Levana Textiles have an outlet store there, with garments, and FABRIC… The merino was there in bolts,so many shades, weights and textures. I selected, put some back, chose more and have started to sew some Christmas goodies  .This fabric is so soft, perfect for babies, toddlers, children and all us adults as well.

And in the garden, the lupins have a great variety of colours, and  one little lonely tulip has flowered so late. A Pink Parrot Tulip. It had fallen into the dirt after we had the water sprinkler on, so the petals have “ Fairy Dirt  Smudges”. The Dutch iris are in full bloom, gorgeous shades,  the smaller one is that gorgeous dusky mauve/purple with that golden splash in the centre.The Deep  Purple one must be a mutant, there are 2 blooms off the one stem .

last pink tulip

Dutch Iris flowers

Small Dutch Iris variety

Purple lupin Mauve lupinPink LupinMerino fabrics

Quotation of the day, author unknown

“ Friends are flowers that never fade in the fabric of life”

Greetings from Jean


Gayle said...

Fabric and flowers... is there are greater love? :) Ummm, my new wish is to visit you. I'm going to ask for that gift every holiday until I get my way. ;)

Janet said...

That is quite the wild weed whacker! Merino fabric sounds delish.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Congrats on mastering the weed wacker. Mine is electric. I can only do a little of that at a time as it really gets to my arms and shoulders.

Love your blooms.

Happy crafting.


Ashling said...

Congrats on the first foray1 It can only get better from here. And such beautiful flowers...sigh...

Susan Heather said...

Congratulations on the weedeater - hope the burst water pipe wasn't too major.

Jim said...

LOL! Sorry but I can't help it! I know the weed whacker can have a mind of it's own! We switch to an electric one mainly because we didn't have to deal with the gas but also discovered that it was more manageable as well. Our neighbour laughed when we showed it to him....saying it was not powerful enough. It works for our needs.
Hey Jean, it's OK about 'no video'! You wouldn't want something like that to go 'viral' now, would you?! lol
Your photos are inspirational to us northern hemisphere people.....something to look forward to and looking at your garden will keep us warm!!
Imagine....bolts of Merino! I suppose it could be had in Canada too. I love to sew even though not too good at it.....not enough practice.

KB said...

Oh my, the water pipe... I'm glad that you passed the exam with no injuries :)

Your spring flowers are gorgeous!

Nancy J said...

Thank you all so much for your words. I am waiting for my MEDAL,hope it is Gold!!! The last of the spring bulbs have flowered, and now I need to plant for summer. Cheers from Jean.

Jenny said...

Thanks for the tip about Merino wool being available at Levana. Must go and check it out next time we are there.

Willard said...

Beautiful flower photos. That weed-eater looks exactly like mine--I enjoyed reading about your experience with it.

Lindsjö taxar said...

Congrats...I work with that too...you have to learn it. The flowers are lovely. We have a lot of them in the summer. Now we have got some snow yesterday...hunting moose tomorrow

Susan Heather said...

Jean - thanks so much for your call - as I mentioned I have only inherited the one gene which makes me a carrier. Still doesn't explain my high Ferritin levels though. I will look into the B12 - I see it should be between 170 and 600 and mine, a year ago, was 279.

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

Hello!!! I know we are new friends and I'm late getting here for this post, but I always say, 'better late than, well, you know!' :-) But I will just say that my husband doesn't trust me to use our weed-eater, and I don't know if it would be because of the damage I would cause or because he like to... But your flowers are lovely--What pretty color at the start of my day! I hope you are doing well, and I hope you enjoy your day!

Nancy J said...

Hi Kim, we are OK, life is busy!!And, I'm getting better with the w/eater, it seems to glide rather than bounce now!! The last place I used it was only long grass down a slope, a lot easier as no obstacles to avoid... And your lovely words are a great start to my day, thank you so much. Greetings from Jean.

Here I Am Carrie said...

Oh your flowers are beautiful. You will amaze yourself what you really are capable of doing when you have to. As you read I even installed a hitch on our truck. I know one day I will have to take on more of these types of jobs as my hubby is 20 years older then I am. For now I try and take the best care of him I can. Just always learn to pace yourself so there are no injuries. Nothing worse then both people being laid up.

Nancy J said...

Carrie, I am hoping we both are not laid up together, I read Lori's blog at Skoog Farm, a few weeks/or was it months ago, and she called themselves " Two Gimps", i almost laughed, but it can so easily happen. The snow plough blade, you are one clever girl!!
Greetings from Jean