Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Pink Blooms


Some years ago another dear friend, Hector, gave me a Brunsvigia  bulb, this had first of all  been passed to him I think from a grandmother or elderly relative. Some years my bulbs have blooms, others they are dormant, one year I counted  32 stems. Not quite as prolific this time, but spectacular.The first two photos are this week, the last one was taken last year.

brunsvigia single stem


brunsvigia  in sunlight

Brunsvigia framed

The spectacular Brunsvigia josephinae has the largest flower cluster in the Amaryllis family.  With a massive bulb up to 9 inches wide, it is reported to be the world's largest bulb!  The "Candelabra Lily", also known as "Josephine's Lily", makes a radiating flower cluster almost 3 feet across! ( Sourced from Internet)

The other plants growing so well are Cosmos.I planted them, grown from seed, along the side of Hugh’s workshop. Some weeks ago, they were pulled out, dirt dug up, fertilised with great care, and carrots planted. TWO whole packets, Guess what grew? Yes, Cosmos in the hundreds. I have already carefully pulled some out and transplanted, they are doing well in another garden area.

Cosmos, not carrots.

And the quince tree is producing hundreds, well maybe dozens of  fruits. They have been given away by the bags full. Quinces loaded on the branches


Quotation of the day, words from the song  “ What A Wonderful World”  , written by Bob Thiele (as "George Douglas") and George David Weiss,  first recorded by Louis Armstrong  and released as a single in  1967 ( another source says 1968).

“ And I think to myself, what a wonderful world”

Greetings from Jean


eileeninmd said...

It is a wonderful world! Your flowers are lovely. The Cosmos is amazing! Beautiful images! Have a happy day and week ahead!

Jim said...

Jean, how fortunate that you have acquired this 'treasure' from your friend. I can only imagine how beautiful this must be in full bloom!
How tall are your Quince bushes? They look like trees.
Funny about your Cosmos....they are determined to stay around!
Have a wonderful week, Jean!

TexWisGirl said...

laughed at the very healthy cosmos. :) really beautiful blooms - delicate and lacy!

Michaele said...

It truly is a wonderful world!
I have never heard of that flower, but would be very proud to have it. Glad to see you are still having nice weather.

Georgia said...

That purply-pink is one of my favorite colors! Cosmos are a late summer/early autumn favorite in Japan. Lovley!

Linda said...

So beautiful, Jean!

Susan Heather said...

Loved your cosmos - it is amazing how self sown always do better.

I think one of my main enjoyments in my garden is the plants given to me by friends, especially the ones who have passed on.

Yes it is a wonderful world - I tell myself daily how lucky I am.

Carol Mattingly said...

Lovely blooms Jean. If I lived nearby I would grab a few Quince, but I'm a rad bit too far.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

I love that song, and do try to see the beauty in each and every day.

Beautiful flowers ~ FlowerLady

KB said...

Those purple flowers are spectacular!! You photographed them so well. Thanks for a glimpse of colorful summer!

Barb said...

Hey! I thought it's supposed to be fall there? What elegant blooms. Looks like you'll have to eat the Cosmos in salads!

Lindsjö taxar said...

Beautiful flowers....great with fruit....

Here I Am Carrie said...

You can send those cosmos my way. LOL I struggle to get them growing even here and to have them reseed, how wonderful. Ok not so good for the carrots. But one can never have to many flowers. Guess fall is coming to you now. My leaves haven't even come out here, but we are getting a bit of flooding. Today it has cooled down again which is good to slow the snow melting off the mountains. I did enjoy the couple of warmer sunny days. I am a nut and started a bunch of stuff in the greenhouse again. I wasn't going to do that or have many potted flowers this year, but once a gardener it is a hard habit to break. Spent a couple hours at our new property just walking around and enjoying it and the view. We may just do that this summer as some other things have popped onto our plates to slow progress. Anyway getting carried away here again. Hugs Carrie