Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Sunday, 25 February 2018

A new day down South.

Cloudy,windy, grey, Time to see some new views.

  A panorama from the front deck, looking from west to east

Panorama 1-6 stitched

Looking through the gap by the gate.

On the farm, I can see you!!

Max, the new puppy. 

Max on the farm

Over the fence line to the east.

Fence line on the farm

On the other side of the farm road, Eastwards as well.

On the farm #3

Hens and a  chicken on the farm .

Mrs Hen #2 and baby chicken on the farm

Mrs Hen on the farm

Looking over the gate to the West.

looking north west on the farm

Hollyhock blooms, in case I missed one yesterday.

hollyhock #3 at the farmhollyhock #1hollyhock #2

We are going to Arrowtown on Monday for 3 days. There will be more scenic views on the way and around the Central Otago areas. Meantime…..

Quotation of the day. from Lao Tzu

“ A good traveller has no fixed plans

and is not intent on arriving”

Greetings from Jean.


Susan Heather said...

Lovely views - your quote of the day sounds good - I prefer travelling like that.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, beautiful views and landscapes. I love the sheep and the cute dog.
The Hollyhock blooms are lovely. Beautiful post and photos. Enjoy your travels. Happy Sunday, enjoy your day and new week ahead!

Sandra Walker said...

I love seeing the countryside and the farm life! Ah hollyhocks take me back to my childhood...

Carol Mattingly said...

Lovely. Looks like you are having a wonderful time. Stay safe and have fun. Carol

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What stunning views that I could look at all day!

The hollyhocks are lovely! I've had a love affair with them that I think began when I read the Secret Garden - I love how they grow proudly above all the other flowers.

All points of the compass said...

We are further south at Arrowtown.unfortunately I left my laptop at the farm. "Cold turkey" according to son in law!!! Am trying to do this on Hughs iPad . I will try tomorrow to do a post and load some pics.

Sandra Jansen said...

Such glorious views!

Tanya said...

The scenery is beautiful!

Jenn Jilks said...

Actual hollyhocks!!! How beautiful! Have a lovely trip.

Our photos said...

Nice views ! Very nice skies !

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I'm hopeless at directions but no matter, you have lots of wonderful viewing there. I love your story about being offered a bed for the night on your travels...that's the sort of thing Newfoundlanders are known for. Perhaps it is a country kind of thing. My views in every direction are pretty much of fir trees, conifers all.
Lots of ice still underfoot here, but warmer temps are quickly making away with the snow.

Mystic Quilter said...

Wonderful photos Jean - I am only just catching up on your travels so after our meal I'm going to go back to the beginning and see what you've both been doing!

Barb said...

What a fun visit you're having at the farm. The views are grand!

Fundy Blue said...

So much beauty in one little corner of the world! Thanks for sharing it, Jean!