Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Saturday, 24 February 2018

Southern Views

We had a good trip on Friday, and it is so quiet,and quite cool here.

Sunrise was beautiful, the flowers are blooming,and we are “ ALL GO”  helping the others  to have everything  ready for our younger daughter’s wedding on 3rd March.

Morning views, sheep on the run, or standing  and watching,  flowers, and the hills.

Early moring on the farm #1

Early moring on the farm #2 JPG

Early moring on the farm #3JPG.

Morning on the farm #1

sunflowers on the farm

hollyhock #1hollyhock #2

There will be more photos and words to come, but that is it for today!!!

Quotation of the day,author unknown

“ To travel hopefully, and arrive safely,

is most wonderful”

Greetings from Jean.


Heide said...

Looks lovely! Blessing on the wedding.

Susan Heather said...

Lovely photos - glad you have arrived safely.

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

The flowers are so pretty...especially since all we are seeing is snow. We're supposed to have another 5-8 in. tonight & tomorrow, so we will probably get more.

Carol Mattingly said...

Have a wonderful time Jean. Carol

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

Lovely photos, Jean. Best Wishes to your daughter on the occasion of her wedding.

eileeninmd said...

Hello, what a lovely sunrise. The flowers are all beautiful. I am sure everyone is excited about your daughter's wedding. Have a great time!

KB said...

Oh my goodness - I accidentally fell behind. First, that is wonderful news about your new kitty and that Boris likes him/her.

I am thrilled to hear of your trip. I loved the "Tale of the Weary Travelers" - and that people were opening their homes to you.

It sounds as if you'll be away from home for a little while, as you prepare for your younger daughter's big day and then enjoy it. I'm so happy that you both are in good health and having fun.

Gorgeous photos today!

Sandra Walker said...

Wow, gorgeous photos Jean! Wedding prep is exciting and a bit draining too isn't it?! Typing from Nashville where I am wedding dress shopping with my daughter for her wedding in November.

Julie Fukuda said...

Glad you made it safely and are enjoying nice weather and lovely flowers. Keep enjoying the occasion.

Jenn Jilks said...

You must be so excited!

Sharon - IN said...

Wedding Day today! I hope all goes well. Congratulations to the happy couple!

Fundy Blue said...

I'm working backwards, so I already know what a lovely wedding your daughter had, Jean! Again, such a glorious spot!