Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Thursday, 19 December 2024

British Columbia in December

  I continue to learn more every day about Canada and its winter temperatures.  Weather reports are very detailed and updated regularly. 

The range went from a balmy 4C in Vancouver to a perishingly cold -20, REAL FEEL according to all the weather reports was -28C !!! some even said " Very Cold".

The road web cams are amazing, and updates before you travel are very useful.

Then there is the Pine Pass Facebook page, where followers write in,  give the updates and states of areas along the highway. Moose, deer, timber spilt, man and his dog missing, And the best " I'm driving to ???,Do you need anything picked up or taken?  Real outback generosity.

Some images of the web cams.  Powder King skifield  access road

Highway 97, at Highway 16 Junction, Prince  George
Highway 97, North of Prince George
Powder King access road, on 18th December. 
Snow tyres are essential, and in some areas you are advised to carry blankets, food, a torch, and extra clothing.

From the vicarious travel, I understand that 4  layers of real winter clothing,  fleece lined long boots, and air activated hand warmers ( that last the whole day in your gloves) are the norm,  when working outdoors for many long hours, and " a whole new respect for those who work in these conditions all the time " was a comment.

Meantime back home, a dear friend Jenny Benton has a huge sorrow, as Robin passed away suddenly at the end of November. His memorial service has been held in Levin. Sympathy and caring thoughts from so many have been sent .

The  panels are still in their original condition, I'm waiting till 2025 to tackle them and find patterns to do them justice. I have read that a non stick needle is a great help.

Quotation of the day from Khalil  Gibran

" When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight"

Greetings from Jean


Susan Heather said...

What a wonderful experience Josh is having. I can remember, a couple of years ago, a cousin in Ontario mentioning a temperature of 23 and thinking it odd as that was about the same as us. I then noticed the small minus sign in from of the number.

Lori Skoog said...

How nice, that you are able to tune in to all those photos. You know more about Canada than I do! Condolences for the loss of your friend. Hope all is well with you two!

local alien said...

Oh boy that is so cold! Of course you're prepared for such conditions. Still it seems like a hard life in winter

eileeninmd said...

Wow, the road cams photos are amazing. The minus temps of -28C , that is way too cold for me. So sorry for the loss of your friend. Take care, have a great day!

Marie Smith said...

A Canadian winter! A wonder to many, a freezing for all.

Kate said...

Layers are the key to comfort in a Canadian winter. The other key is keeping the layers dry. The "feels like" number is made up. I check the temperature and how windy it is. I hope Josh is enjoying his adventures.

Jenn Jilks said...

It really is quite striking the weather out west. Ocean effect atmospheric rivers throwing precipitation over B.C.
I like to compare it with ours when talking to my son out west.
Yes, Robin's loss is close to the heart.
I hop you two are well!

Nancy J said...

Kate, down here Metservice NZ uses a calculation based on the same wind chill index used in North America.It can be called " Feels like " or " Wind chill factor" down here. .Years ago we were in a colder part of the South Island and met a lady from Germany. She said " Wear zee layers like zee onion, Peel zem off or add zem on" So true.

Nancy J said...

Thanks Jenn, with a family member over there you will be familiar with the differences from B C to Ontario.