Central Plateau, North Island

Central Plateau, North Island
View from a friend's farm

Sunday, 23 February 2014

This one stood still for me


At the beach the other day, lots of seagulls flew around, squawked loudly, foraged for food, and flew off again, Occasionally one stood still long enough for a portrait shot. Some post processing, to add at least some more seagulls to the day.   

One seagull


One seagull PP#2


One seagull PP#3

One seagull with PP



Quotation of  the day from  John Masefield,

“I must go down to the seas again,

for the call of the running tide

Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;


Greetings from Jean


TexWisGirl said...

he makes a great subject - any of these would make good notecards.

Barb said...

Lucky you to go to the beach! I always think of Jonathan Livingston Seagull when I see a photo of one.

Ali Honey said...

Isn't it amazing how that poetry sticks in ones head after all this time!
I often find myself reciting an old poem to nobody but myself!

eileeninmd said...

Cute series on the gull. Love the editing. Have a happy weekend!

KB said...

Beautiful, Jean! I don't have oceans or seagulls nearby so I love seeing your beach and sea bird photos!

Linda said...

Jean, what a lovely series here. I love seagulls and your photos are beautiful.

Carol Mattingly said...

Oh how I wished to be at the beach!

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

It's just not a trip to the beach without seeing them!

Karen said...

Lovely edits. Thank you for your kind and caring email Jean.

Julie Fukuda said...

That gull seemed to be looking back to see if you got it.

Nancy J said...

Julie, you are so right, and the other one just lay almost right down into the sand for ages. It was truly a lovely day. And, I'm so glad I could send some sunshine and sand, and ocean waters up North to you all. Cheers, Jean.

FlowerLady Lorraine said...

Glad you had such a nice time and that the flying critters stopped to pose for you.

Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

P.S. I hope you are feeling better. Are you able to laugh easier yet?

Michaele said...

This scrappy feathered friend was just asking for a photo shoot.

Nancy J said...

Hi Lorraine, controlled smiling, no coughing, sneezing or a hiccup yet, I'm at the 3 week stage, so another 3 at least, and at my age, might well be more, But I was so thankful for one lovely day out. Autumn mornings are here, just under 5 Celsius this morning. Yes Michaele , he was the only one who sat alone for any time. Cheers to all, Jean.

Coloring Outside the Lines said...

He was a great poser! Have a happy week!

Nancy's Notes said...

Hi pretty lady! Oh my, what fabulous shots on the beach! Amazing that your little friend stayed put long enough for a photo shoot! Lucky you to get out and enjoy some nice weather. I love going to the beach and it's about time for that soon.
Have a nice evening and great week.